According to Tata Aboe Bakar (78), pawnbroker, Embassy AS in Indonesia interest to buy the residency secondhand house Capres AS the swarthy. Besides there are some other enthusiasts which both of the same interest to buy the house for the width of 1.200 square meters that. The price raised by enthusiasts Rp 150 milliard.
This is residence house Barrack Obama 28 year ago.
At home this, start early year of 1970 until beginning of year of 1971, Barry which is have age to of 9 year remain with its stepfather, Lolo Soetoro, and its mother, Ann Dunham. They shack up with the payee rent the monthly to family Tata Aboe Bakar. Is while mansion occupied by theX the family Tata Aboe Bakar.
To Warta Kota, Monday ( 27/10), Arranging Aboe Bakar tell, in this last 6 months, there is 4 incoming foreigner and confess to interest to buy the residency secondhand house Barrack Obama the at the price of fivefold marketing price with note Obama win in Pemilihan Presiden Amerika Serikat [at] 4 November of 2008.
Arrange Aboe Bakar confess to interest with price bargain of 5 times;rill fold from the marketing price on the market enthusiasts of his house. He confess will sell the woke up house in the year 1939 by his father, dr Soerono, that if/when truely Obama win pilpres AS. " Because us is also butuh money. And us do not willing to hypocrisy that price bargain fivefold is enough bewitch," say Tata.
Kasi Pemerintahan Kelurahan Pegangsaan, Basaruddin Siregar, tell the value sell obyek Iease ( NJOP) year land;ground of 2008 in Kelurahan Pegangsaan is Rp 8 million per square meters. Is while land;ground marketing price is on the ground minimize Rp 25 million per square meters or [about/around] treble of price NJOP.
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