" This will become big nuptials, but with lower the calorie," man have age [to] of 43 the year noted as fattest man according to Guinness Book of Records year of 2007.
Uribe the cannot leave the bed saking him fat, confess to succeed downhill 230 kilogram wt. of wight of 590 kilogram before all.
Following is photographing his wight moment still 590 kg
He will do marry a so called widow Claudia which have become his fiance during two year. Nuptials will be executed on 26 October at home its in Monterrey, north Mexico.
that Friendly man lay open his nuptials plan after getting sponsor of international magazine, television station, and local citizen to contribute the cake for 400 guest.
Uribe also will invite the so called Mexico band " Pesado" or " weight" to amuse his guest. He also thank goodness [at] God of " miracle" is passed to [is] the x'self almost suicide, but then get his love.
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