Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Moth Vampire in Siberia

Siberia, it - This is not just a Rumor Haloween towards the end of October. The researchers insect recently found a collection of moth Vampire in Siberia. The discovery is surprising because the moth is generally only eat fruit and pollen, not human blood.

However, only the male moth, which shows the strange behavior. This shows that this behavior may be related to the sexual reasons.

Physical form only slightly different pattern on the wing with species of moth Calyptra thalactri normal life in the area of Russia. Entomolog from the University of Florida, Jennifer Zaspel even predict the moth from the developing fruit moth sweeping.

"We see the change from sweeping fruit nectar or pollen awl into the fruit until the skin and blood," he said. However, to ensure that the differences with the moth moth is usually genetic studies should be conducted to track the behavior when the start developing in their lives.

The next question is why the behavior appears? With only the fact that the male moth, Zespel sure pejantan attempt to get more salt. The body needs salt may be transferred to a female moth during mating.

Feed mineral content of the blood is also useful to add nutrition for the young flyblow only eat the leaves. Minerals that are needed, particularly to supply a lot of sodium that is not obtained from the leaves.

- Kompas
- National Geographic

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