Monday, October 27, 2008

Bee can do math

SYDNEY, MINGGU - Some researcher find the fact that honeybee actually can [count/calculate] so/till number 4. One of the researcher from University of Queensland put down 5 number in a tunnel;cutting and place nektar in one of the number.

According to Radio Australian Broadcasting Corporation, the honey bees put down in the tunnel;cutting is then make a move to go to sign with water have sugar yielded by theX gist;nectare of the flower. Bees that honey still gather around around the sign moment number nektar have pulled from his location.

"Honey bees will recognize the number of three if they are showed with sign number of three," word Mandyam Srinivasan. " If we show sign number 4, attention of bee- the bee will be gone to the the number. But, likely ability of that bees count only shall number 4.

Bees cannot calculate above number of 4," adding Mandyam Srinivasan.
According to Professor Mandyam Srinivasan, bee can study difference of public on the a flower or environment be like warna,simetri, orientation and them can use the the information to recognize obyek which they have never met. Even they can pass the given by theX labyrinth of selected symbol. This matter marvellous very more than anything else bee only have brain equal to sesame seed.
Become us as human, do have used our brain with efficient and effective??

- Kompas

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